Think Like Steve - Kelly Hibbert

Think Like Steve – Administrative Assistant Kelly Hibbert

December 20, 2017

DTC was founded in 1994 with only a couple of employees. Since then, we’ve thrived – expanding our client base, offering new services, and growing to a current size of 18 employees. Behind this is the visionary that keeps us moving forward: CEO and founder Steve McNamara. DTC is his passion that he built from the ground up. Like any entrepreneur, he trusts only the best and the brightest to keep DTC going. Each member of our team strives to ‘think like Steve’ in different ways. It’s our way of making sure things get done exactly the way Steve would do them each time. DTC prides itself on quality staff, so our customers only get the best care – and it’s all because of how Steve trains and manages his employees.

Kelly HibbertMeet Kelly Hibbert, administrative assistant. She has worked at DTC for 4 years now and is an integral member of the DTC team. As a mother of triplets, Kelly works part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Her daily tasks include answering incoming calls, creating service tickets, scheduling appointments, and keeping our credit card records updated, among other projects. Her cheerful voice and ambitious work ethic can brighten even the gloomiest days in our office. Her favorite part about working at DTC? “Talking to our happy clients!”

Much of Kelly’s job is oriented around customer service – something that is very important to Steve. If you were to ask what makes DTC different from other IT companies, any employee here would tell you customer service. We don’t have a strictly automated service to record your technical issues – we have an admin team, including Kelly, who is happy to commiserate with your technological woes and ensure that they are handled by our technicians promptly. A strong commitment to customer service is a big reason why DTC has been so successful, along with Steve’s business guidance.

“Steve is successful because he is determined to do what it takes to keep his business thriving. He is a dedicated business and family man, and he knows that a lot of people depend on him at this point. I admire that he has a conscience, as not all people in business do.”

Even in Kelly’s routine tasks, she works hard to mirror Steve’s attention to detail when it comes to customer care. “Steve’s training has taught me accountability. I always check my work.” Whether its working in a spreadsheet, submitting a service ticket, or simply answering a question on the phone, Kelly excels at making sure the information she presents is accurate and in line with DTC standards. This is just one of the many ways Kelly tries to “think like Steve.”

“I think like Steve when I’m talking to clients. When I’m on the phone, especially with new clients, I’m careful of what I say and how I say it. First impressions are important. My conversation with a prospective client may be the reason they decide to move forward with DTC or not. If I am professional on the phone, that is a reflection on Steve and DTC. If I’m not, that too is a reflection on the company. The prospective client may make a determination on the company based on our conversation alone, and I take that responsibility seriously.”

Kelly has been and will always be an important member of the DTC team. Her cheerfulness and compassion toward our customers reflects Steve’s standard of customer care. As DTC continues to grow, team members like Kelly will help keep us grounded in our roots of superior customer service so we never lose that small business attention to detail on which DTC was founded.

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